

Natriumhydrosulfite 90%, ree foar ferstjoering ~

Natriumbodrosulfite 90%
50kg trommel, 22.5tons / 20'fcl sûnder pallets
2`FCL, Bestimming: Egypte
Klear foar ferstjoeren ~


1. The use of sodium hydrosulfite is very wide, mainly including reduction dyeing, reduction cleaning, printing and decolorization in the textile industry, as well as bleaching of silk, wool, nylon and other fabrics. Sûnt natriumhydrosulfyt befettet gjin swiere metalen, is de kleur fan 'e bleke stof heul helder en net maklik te ferdwinen.

Flammable:Natrium dithionite is in earste klasse brânber item as wiet neffens nasjonale noarmen. It will react violently when it comes into contact with water, producing flammable gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and releasing a large amount of heat. De reaksje-fergeliking is: 2naa2s2o4 + 2h2o + o2 = 4nahso3, en de produkten reagearje fierder om hydrogen sulfide en swaveldioxide te produsearjen en swaveldioxide. Natrium dithionite hat in tuskentiids valensstatus fan swavens, en syn gemyske eigenskippen binne ynstabyl. It toant sterke ferminderingseigenskippen. When it encounters strong oxidizing acids, such as sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other strong acids, the two will undergo a redox reaction, and the reaction is violent, releasing a large amount of heat and toxic substances. De reaksje fergelyking is: 2naa2s2o4 + 4hcl = 2h2s2o4 + 4nacl

Spontane ferbjinne:Natrium dithionite hat in spontane ferbaarningpunt fan 250 ℃. Due to its low ignition point, it is a first-class flammable solid (the ignition point is generally below 300℃, and the flash point of low melting point is below 100℃). It is heul maklik te ferbaarnen as bleatsteld oan hjittens, fjoer, friksje en ynfloed. De ferbaarningsnelheid is rap en it fjoergefaar is heech. It gashifle gasprodus is produsearre tidens it ferbaarnproses kin ek in grutter ferbaarndgebiet feroarsaakje, ferheegje har brângefaar.

Eksploazje:Natriumbithionite is in ljocht giel poederige stof. It poederige substansje is maklik om in eksplosive mingsel te foarmjen yn 'e loft. Stof-eksploazje komt foar by it tsjinkomme fan in brânboarne. It mingsel fan natrium dithionite en de measte oksidanten, lykas chlorates, nitraten, perchlorates, as permaneart, is eksplosyf. Even in the presence of water, it explodes after a slight friction or impact, especially after thermal decomposition, the flammable gas generated after the reaction reaches the explosion limit, then its explosion hazard is greater.

Posttiid: Oct-21-2024