

OXALIC ACID 99,6%, ree foar ferstjoering ~

Oxalic acid 99,6%
25kg tas, 23tons / 20'fcl sûnder pallets
1 FCL, Destination: Noard-Amearika
Klear foar ferstjoeren ~


Oxalic soer hat sterke bleke eigenskippen. It kin pigmenten en ûnreinheden effektivearje op sellulose, wêrtroch't de glêstried witter makket. In the textile industry, oxalic acid is often used as a bleaching agent for the bleaching treatment of natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and silk to improve the whiteness and gloss of the fibers. In addition, oxalic acid also has reducing properties and can react with certain oxidants, so it also plays a role as a reducing agent in some chemical reactions.

2. Metal Surface Cleaning.
Oxalic acid hat wichtige applikaasje-effekten yn it fjild fan metalen oerflakskjinmeitsjen. It can react with oxides, dirt, etc. on the metal surface and dissolve or transform them into substances that are easy to remove, thereby achieving the purpose of cleaning the metal surface. In the production process of metal products, oxalic acid is often used to remove oxides, oil stains and rust products from the metal surface to restore the original luster and performance of the metal surface.

3. Yndustriële kleurstof stabilisator.
Oxalic-soer kin ek brûkt wurde as stabilisator foar yndustriële stjerren om te foarkommenNeerslach en stratifikaasje fan kleurstoffen tidens opslach en gebrûk. By interacting with certain functional groups in the dye molecules, oxalic acid can improve the stability of the dye and extend its service life. Dit stabilisator rol fan Oxalic Acid is fan grutte betsjutting yn 'e kleurstoffakkings- en tekstylprintsjen en datye-yndustry.

4. Banning Agent foar lederferwurking.
Tidens learferwurking kin oksalyske soere brûkt wurde as in tanning agent om de learen better te helpen syn foarm te helpen en sêftens te behâlden. Through the tanning process, oxalic acid can chemically react with the collagen fibers in the leather to increase the strength and durability of the leather. Tagelyk kinne oksalyske soere tsiende aginten ek de kleur en gefoel fan lear ferbetterje, wêrtroch it moaier en noflik makket.

5. Tarieding fan gemyske reaginten.
As wichtige organyske soer is oksalyske soere ek in grûnstof foar de tarieding fan in protte gemyske reaginten. Bygelyks, oksaal kin reagearje mei Alkali om oksalates te foarmjen. Dizze sâlt hawwe brede applikaasjes yn gemyske analyse, synthetyske reaksjes en oare fjilden. In addition, oxalic acid can also be used to prepare other organic acids, esters and other compounds, providing a rich source of raw materials for the chemical industry.

6. Fotovoltayske yndustry-applikaasje.

Posttiid: OCT-12-2024